Green Technology

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  • Save valuable resources by printing more efficient.
  • Use Soy or Agri-Ink AND 100% Recycled Paper
  • Reduce paper waste by 40%-50% by using Direct to plate technology
  • Print on Demand or use Variable Data to reduce waste and maximize response rates.


With, EviroFiendly’s Print on Demand Electronic Inventory System, you only pay for what you need when you need it. No more getting stuck with out-dated printed material OR wishing you had a few more of that last brochure. With our Web based ordering and Direct to Plate Technology we can give you the best of both worlds while saving precious natural resources.

Our investment in technology has allowed us to substantial reduce the environmental impact of printing and at the same time make full color printing faster & more cost effective than ever. Call us and we will be happy to go over any part of the printing process with you.


Full color digital printing

 One of the main advantages of digital printing is that every printed piece can be totally different from the previous one. For the first time, 100% variable content printing is now possible—in full color. This opens up endless opportunities in one-to-one marketing, customer relationship management (CRM), direct mail, call-center fulfillment, sequential numbering and security solutions—for any application that calls for different individual printed pieces. Now, printed content can be controlled by data from a database or direct input from a web site. (from HP’s web site)



Full color Direct Image printing

Direct to plate: No film or prepress chemicals required-the computer sends the file directly to the printing press.

Print On Demand: All jobs are saved in an electronic inventory. With the click of a button, we can recall your print job and be printing within 15 minutes.

40%-60% reduction in paper waste: All plates are imaged simultaneously for nearly perfect registration-from first to last sheet (very little waste).

In addition, we use Soy or Agri-Inks with low VOC’s

Call for a Free quote Tel: 303.797.5502