preconsumer waste

When you use our services you can rest assured knowing that we will do our best to conserve resources.

We recycle all of our printed or unprinted sheets, shavings and guillotined cuttings.  This “pre-consumer waste” is sent back to the mill as Coated book stock (CBS).  The CBS stock is then used in the production of tissue and de-inked pulps.

Even with our 40% to 60% reduction in paper waste (compared to traditional presses) – every month we recycle over a ton of scrap paper.  In addition, you will be happy to know, we are now 100% Wind Power in our manufacturing facility. 


Why should we buy recycled products?

One of the most immediate recycling challenges today is to educate consumers about the benefits of buying products made from recycled materials. Manufacturing is driven by the marketplace. Buying recycled content products creates long-term markets for recyclable materials and increases recycling program revenues. If demand exists for recycled content products, manufacturers will produce recycled products.

Some of the Benefits of Buying Recycled Products…

SAVES NATURAL RESOURCES – By making products with recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we conserve land and reduce the need to drill for oil, dig for minerals, and harvest trees.

SAVES ENERGY – It usually takes less energy to make recycled products; producing aluminum by recycling, for example, takes 95% less energy than producing new aluminum from bauxite ore.

SAVES CLEAN AIR AND WATER – Using recycled rather than virgin materials reduces the amount of pollutants emitted during resource acquisition and processing, and product manufacturing.

SAVES LANDFILL SPACE – When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they don’t go into landfills, so landfill space is saved.

SAVES MONEY AND CREATES JOBS – The recycling process creates more jobs than landfills or incinerators, and recycling can frequently be the least expensive waste management method for cities and towns.

What is a recycled product?

A recycled product is a product made in whole or in part from material recovered from the waste stream. Many “recycled products” contain less than 100% recovered materials. Therefore, they are more accurately referred to as recycled content products. Examples include a rebuilt or remanufactured commodity, such as a remanufactured laser toner cartridge, recycled paper, and recycled plastic lumber.

What is the difference between postconsumer, preconsumer, and recovered materials?

Recycled content products are often labeled with percentages of postconsumer and recovered material.

Postconsumer material is a material or a finished product that has served its intended use and then is diverted or recovered before it is disposed. It is the material consumers and businesses recycle; it does not include manufacturers waste that is commonly reused in the original manufacturing process. Postconsumer material is part of the broader category of recovered material.

Preconsumer material is material that is recycled before it is used by a consumer. For example, paper mill scraps that are recycled at a paper mill.

Recovered materials are waste materials and byproducts that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste landfills, but do not include those materials and byproducts generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process. For example, steel scrap from an automobile plant that is recycled and made into steel beams is recovered material, but scrap paper that is recycled again in the paper mill is not.


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