Soy / Vegetable Inks
We are licensed to use the Soy Ink logo. However, we also carry vegetable inks that are actually lower in VOC output than the Soy certified inks – Please make sure you specify soy ink if you would like to use the “SoySeal”.
Benefits of using the SoySeal logo
Why should you use the SoySeal when you print with soy ink? For the same reasons you use the recycled paper logo each time you print with recycled paper. You want your customers and clients to know you’re doing the “right” thing.
The SoySeal trademark allows commercial printers, publishers and print buyers to make a statement about their work. It tells customers, clients and readers that you’re using products made from sustainable resources, supporting American agriculture and buying “Made in the U.S.A.” products.
The SoySeal trademark allows you to capitalize on a marketing opportunity for the product, above and beyond the technical reasons why soy ink is selected.

Displaying the SoySeal on printed pieces is one of the easiest ways to promote your company’s values to your customers, readers and clients. It lets them know you’re doing your part to use renewable resources, protect the environment, support American farmers, and utilize “Made in the U.S.A.” products.
The 1994 Vegetable Ink Printing Act of Congress. The bill mandated that printers with government contracts use vegetable oil-based inks instead of petroleum-based inks. The act was designed to reduce emissions from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). In addition the vegetable based inks are easier to de-ink – This is especially important for recycling paper.
Before the 1960s, agri-based inks made from vegetable oils were commonplace for all printing applications. The advent of cheaper, better-performing petroleum-based inks pushed them aside, yet this market domination came at a cost both to the environment and the health of print shop workers. Today, fortunately, the return of viable agri-based inks addresses both concerns. Most newly reformulated agri-based inks can perform just as well as their more dangerous and environmentally-harmful petroleum counterparts.
Some printing inks contain hazardous materials. These range from heavy metals used in coloring to petroleum-based solvents (used to disperse pigments and accelerate the drying process). When leached into the environment, heavy metals such as barium, copper, and zinc can contaminate soil and groundwater. In addition, inks that contain petroleum solvents emit volatile organic compounds (VOC) into the air. VOCs can be irritants for print shop workers when present in the form of vapors. They also contribute to the formation of smog.
By contrast, agri-based inks are predominately made from non-toxic soybean oil instead of petrochemicals. Typically, soy-based ink contains 20 percent to 100 percent soy oil, which is also a renewable resource. Using soy and other vegetable oils reduces VOC emissions and creates a safer work environment for print shop employees.
In addition to only using vegetable based inks for our offset press, we also use a Waterless Printing Process.